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In Sonoma County, beautiful northern California - 6225 Stony Point Rd - corner hwy 116 and Stony Point, Cotati, 94931
Serving Sonoma County for 15 years !
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Ornamental fish can overload a pond ecosystem with ammonia and other pollutants. ClearChoice biofiltration removes these contaminants and ammonia using its advanced Trickle Flow and Bio Ring technologies. These filters provide easy out-of-pond accessibility for simple maintenance. Mechanical pre-filter sponges-remove suspended debris to improve water clarity.
Bio Ring media provide massive surface areas for beneficial aerobic bacteria to adhere to and multiply. Aerobic bacteria eat the ammonia toxins created by fish waste and decomposing plant materials. Internal spray systems and Trickle Flow technology disperses pond water slowly and evenly through the Bio Rings ensuring that there is sufficient oxygen to provide optimal biofiltration conditions.
ClearChoice Biofilters
TetraPond UV Clarifiers provide permanent control of suspended algae which cause green water.
Heavy algae blooms are removed in most ponds within 5 days, keeping the pond algae free. This means water clarity is improved while reducing pond maintenance. Each unit is compact, durable, easy-to-install and energy efficient. The most efficient flow rate is 50% of total pond volume. The UV Clarifier is not submersible and should be brought in during the winter months when temperatures are at or below freezing.
Tetra Pond UV Clarifiers
UV Clarifiers and Upgrades
Tetra Pond Pressure FIlters
Clearchoice FIlters
Tetra Pond Filters and UV Clarifiers
Tetra Pond Pressure FIlters
New vortex internal pumping jets ensure maximum water-to-media contact to support bacterial growth and provide for superior bio-activity.
The rugged construction of this filter is built to last.
The Bio-Active pressure filter has been re-engineered for maximum bio filtration resulting in a clear and healthy pond.
Each pressure filter is sold as either a stand-alone unit or with an integrated UV clarifier to provide permanent control of suspended algae and reduce green water.
The unique open profile bio-activators will not clog and give you the most surface area possible.
With no foam to clog, the simple back flush feature keeps your filter performing in peak condition with no need to open the filter for cleaning.