Pond and Garden Nursery
792 - 9141
In Sonoma County, beautiful northern California - 6225 Stony Point Rd - corner hwy 116 and Stony Point, Cotati, 94931
Serving Sonoma County for 15 years !
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DynaMag Series pumps are ideal for pond fountains, small waterfalls and filter systems.
They are designed with energy efficient and reliable magnetic drive technology and include a large pre-filter, which reduces clogging.

DynaMag Pumps

The DynaTec Series pumps are high performance water garden pumps that are ideal for large fountains, waterfalls, streams and external filters. They are designed with a uni-directional impeller for increased flow and pressure. They all include an easy to remove pre-filter cage.
DynaTec HIgh Performance Pumps
Debris Handling Pumps

DynaMag MagDrive Pumps

Debris Handling Pumps

Tetrapond Dynamag Pumps
Dyna Mag Pumps
Dynatec High Performance Pumps
Dyna Tec High Performance Pumps
Debris Handling Pumps
debris handling pumps

Tetra Pond